Top Digital Marketing Gurus to Follow in 2018

There are millions of so called gurus and mentors in the industry who sell their low quality courses and guides to make handsome money. But learning from gurus is not dead. All you need is to find the right person. 

I have learnt digital marketing by following different digital marketing leaders without spending a single penny. I have listed those experts below.

  • Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of my favorite digital marketing guru. I have added "reading Neil Patel's blog posts" in my daily to-do list. This guy is legit. I have learnt so much just by following this guy's blogs that I couldn't have ever learnt from anyone else. If you consistently read his blogs, you will increase your knowledge graph very fast regardless of your expertise level.

  • Brian Dean

Brian Dean is the founder of Backlinko and known as the most famous SEO guru. Brian Dean guides typically related to SEO. Unlike Neil Patel, his guides are not versatile but they are focused on SEO and Website Conversion. If you wish to be an SEO guru, you will have to follow this guy to gain the most updated knowledge about SEO.

  • Harsh Agarwal

Harsh Agarwal is an Indian blogger and founder of ShoutMeLoud. I have been following SML from years and learnt some amazing hacks and tips related to blogging and affiliate marketing. I got to learn some cool website guides as well. I even read his ebooks when I was a newbie and believe me, there is no best guide for newbies than his ebooks.

  • Aqib Sharif

Aqib Sharif is a new entrant in the digital marketing industry but I came to read some of his stuff and he made his position in this list. His knowledge is comprehensive and updated. You cans say, he is a mini Neil Patel. His content is focused on digital marketing, blogging and productivity.

  • Rand Fishkin

Rand is the co-founder of Moz. He launched some of his free courses and blog guides. I loved his on-page SEO guides and it really helped me get my websites ranked in no time. I would recommend to check out his YouTube channel. There is a free course available on Udemy which was created by Rand Fishkin.

I hope you will learn something very valuable by following these people because I followed them and I am glad that I did. Do you know any other good digital marketing guru? Let me know in the comments below.
